Biomedical AI

For Prospective Students and Research Fellows

Data Mining and Information Systems (DMIS) lab is looking for MS/Ph.D. Students and Postdoctoral Fellows with enthusiam towards multi-faceted projects related to Drug Discovery and Precision Medicine.

DMIS Lab has a prestigious history of outperforming  

DMIS Lab aims to utilize AI and Machine Learning to solve a variety of research topics such as large-scale Language Modeling, Question Answering, and Named Entity Recognition. Our research achievements have been presented over the past years at top-tier conferences/journals such as ACL, NAACL, EMNLP, and Bioinformatics. Especially, our pre-trained language model BioBERT has been cited by over 2,400 and was selected as one of the Best Papers for the Natural Language Processing Section of the 2020 IMIA (International Medical Informatics Association) Yearbook. Biobert is by far the most cited pre-trained language model in the biomedical domain. 

Aside from research publications, DMIS Lab has participated in many international BioNLP challenges and achieved top performance: BioASQ Phrase B (2019, 2020), BioCreative VII NER (NLM-Chem) (2021), etc. Also, we are currently collaborating with global big techs and pharma companies including Amazon, Adobe (USA), AstraZeneca (UK), and other valuable partners. Our alumni continue to produce outstanding achievements in both academia and industry: tenure-track assistant professors at Korea University and Sejong University (Korea), research scientists at Google, Amgen (USA), and NAVER (Korea), etc.